Saturday, December 22, 2012

Step One: Admitting the Problem

After much deliberation, I finally came to the realization that I need to make some pretty significant changes in my life if I have any hope of achieving half of my bucket list before exiting this existence.  Pretty extreme way to look at it, I know, but I cannot really think of any better motivator than perishing.  Maybe sex.  Or maybe perishing whilst having sex.  Either or, I decided to pick 3 simple things I can change about my lifestyle to put me back on track:

  1. Commit to a completely plant-based diet and practice more compassionate consumerism (if that makes sense).  There is no way in hell I'm getting rid of my orange leather handbag, so I can't really call myself a vegan.  But, I can commit to making conscious decisions about where my money is spent from this point further.  When I am actively vegan, I cook more, spend way less money, and am more aware of my health and healing.  
  2. Run/Walk/Ride 60mins+ on a daily basis.  I'm not committing to kicking my own ass everyday, just to remain active and aware that daily movement is the only thing that guarantees I'll maintain a better mood and better health.
  3. Learn something new every day.  I never realized how important this is to me until I found out a group of cats is called a "glaring."  That tickles me to no end.  Other fun facts about cats available here.
Historically, my biggest issue with making proper lifestyle choices is the fact that I am rather apathetic towards my own personal needs.  General indifference has plagued every aspect of my life.  It wasn't until this year that I finally recognized that I do deserve better.  I deserve to be heard and validated.  I also deserve to be happy.  I deserve time for myself and my family.  There is nothing selfish or morally wrong to ask for these basic needs to be met.  I just need to muster up enough enthusiasm to truly fend for myself and thrive.

With this in mind, I decided that it is imperative to conjure up a list of personal affirmations to support my resolution to commit to "3 simple things."  Kill apathy + Reaffirm thyself = Action.  Hopefully... I never was that great at math.  I figured I would start this blog as a starting point, perhaps a repository to store my rhetoric bullshit progress and daily affirmations.  Let's see if this sticks.

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